Sure Bets – The Sure Way To Weather Success?

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Sure Bets – The Sure Way To Weather Success?

Each of us is looking for the quick profit and with the least possible risk. However, without the right money management and the discipline, the starting bank is likely to be on the zero points in no time. In today’s article, I’d like to talk about the sure bets that one or the other betting friend may have heard before and that every professional betting enthusiast will encounter in the course of his sports betting career.

What are Sure Bets – Definition

Are they or are they not there, meaning the 100% surefire bets – the so-called sure bets. Now since the FIFA World Cup qualifying in 2006, one or the other may still remember the game Portugal against Lichtenstein, where both ended up with a 2-2 split. The quotation on Portugal at that time was @ 1.01, which corresponds to a profit probability of 99%. Sure Bets do not mean that you place bets on big favorites but exploit odds of different bookmakers, also Free Bets UK. For example, you play sure bets by betting at several betting providers who spend different odds on the various betting outings of a game. For example, if you bet on victory, draw and defeat at one and the same bookmaker and adjust the bets so that no matter how the game ends, the corresponding prize will come out at the end, depending on the bookmaker, you get back 90-97% of your bet back. The remaining 3-10% is the profit margin of the bookmaker. The Surebets aim to find quota differences among different bookmakers, which means that no matter how the game ends up, a profit of over 100% of the bet will pop out. The chances are, of course, rare, and the bookmakers are trying hard to raise odd quotes. Interested?

Essie Hodo

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