New Eco-Friendly Washing Machines are Introduced in the Market

By / 7 years ago / Tech / No Comments
New Eco-Friendly Washing Machines are Introduced in the Market

In every modern home in India washing machine is one of the most essential appliances and it has become an absolute necessity. Gone are the days, when labour intensive methods were used for washing clothes and as the labour cost is rising day by day, the need for washing machine has also increased. Introduction of washing machines has provided an effective solution to all modern homes. However, there are few issues which may eventually turn into a major issue in coming days, and that is shortage of power and water resources. In order to run, we need constant supply of water and power, which is becoming scarce day by day.

Every new machine developed is thoroughly scrutinised for its level of water consumption. Therefore, nowadays you will find modern washing machines marketed by Samsung and many other companies are consuming far less amount of water that was used by older models of washing machines.

Technology is constantly trying to update themselves in every field, looking at various global problems particularly in view of shortage of energy and water, which is being felt by us. Good quality of water needed for washing machine is going to be scarcity in coming years. Environment specialists have been giving warning about depletion of water table and therefore it is necessary to put control in wasteful use of water.

Keeping in view of this problem various industries are working overtime to find solution to this important issue. Upgradation of technology for washing machines have become a top priority and therefore washing machines are under development that needs reduced amount of water.

New Eco-friendly Washing Machines

Keeping in view the primary concern about shortage of electricity and power the new variety of washing machines are developed which are also known as smart washing machines. They need much lesser energy as well as water in order to wash clothes. These washing machines are controlled by computer where very little amount of electricity will be needed than necessary. The computer will sense the clothes and check how dirty it is and also sense its weight. Based on that it will decide how much spin cycle, temperature of water and quantity of water is needed to wash the clothes.

Some the machines also check the quality of detergent and based on that it decides how the cycles has to be run to get efficient cleaning. Here we must remember that most of the older models of washing machines used to draw unnecessary power and water and cycles were not properly regulated based on the status of clothes. With such new machines you can not only clean the dirt present in the clothes effectively but can also kill any germs if it is found present in your clothes. All these with optimum use of electricity and water.

So, in future you will get washing machines that are eco-friendly, more efficient and also cleans the clothes optimally. Most of the leading brands of this machines going to adapt this new technology and very soon the eco-friendly washing machines is going to become a reality.

Clare Louise

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