Make Sure You Stock Proper Office Stationery
Every busy business organization needs office stationery for correspondence, communication, documentation, reporting and records. Different types of stationery are needed for different purposes and an office has to stock all of them in suitable quantities. Let us take a quick look at what basic office stationery an organization must have and how much to stock them.
Stocking office stationery
A business organization has varied needs for office stationery like these.
- Letterheads
Letterheads are the office stationery with the company’s name and logo printed on the top. Usually, all letters and correspondence from the organization are sent in written form on the letterheads. Even contracts and agreements are often printed on office letterheads. This is why special care must be taken while printing the letterhead to ensure that the corporate logo, typeface and colours are rendered perfectly. Enlisting the help of a professional printing service will really help in this matter.
The top brass of the organization- the managers, administrators and senior executives- may have their own personalized stationery on which their letters are sent. This must be printed apart from the regular office letterhead.
It is always best to stock the office letterhead in abundance while limiting the personalized stationery to the bare minimum numbers. This is because the office letterhead can be used for everyone. On the other hand, positions in the office might change and with them, the personalized stationery becomes obsolete.
- Memo pads
Memo pads with company logo and address are still printed in offices to circulate inter-office communication. Instead of wasting expensive letterheads on costly bond paper for communication from one department to another, memo pads are used. They are also used by office employees to take informal notes during meetings.
Print Memo pads in moderate quantities. Advise your staff to use them judiciously. Memo pads have the company credentials and hence cannot be used for scribbling or doodling. Emphasize the value of Memo pads and insist on their frugal use.
- Sticky notes
Every office needs sticky notes in considerable numbers. Sticky notes are used to stick on letters, documents or reports when they are being circulated within the office. They are used to add comments or instructions without affecting the actual content of the document. Bosses often use sticky notes to forward documents to their subordinates with their initials inked on them. This serves to highlight the importance or the urgency of the matter which has to be expedited immediately. Sticky notes come in various colours and are useful for segregating the documents too for filing purpose.
Keep plenty of sticky notes handy at both the reception as well as the manager’s desks. You can even assign different coloured notes to different persons or positions so that it is easy to identify from whom it came from.
- Business cards
A business card represents the corporate image of your organization. All employees of a business organization might need the use of the business card. So print unnamed general business card with the company credentials and keep it at the reception desk. This can be handed to visitors who seek the company’s contact information. These cards may be given to junior level staff, sales trainees or marketing executives who have newly joined the company. Unnamed company business cards never go wasted and can be printed in bulk quantity.
Business cards of managers and senior executives must be printed and stocked in limited number. This is because their positions might change within the company or they might leave the company. To avoid wastage during such circumstances, print personal business cards in limited numbers but have them in stock in the office always.
- Envelopes
An office cannot exist without envelopes. Big and small sized envelopes are required for mailing correspondence and documents. Regular long size envelopes are used for mailing letters. A bigger envelope is used for mailing reports, contracts or even marketing materials like brochures and catalogues.
All envelopes must be printed perfectly with the company’s credentials and stocked in plenty at the office.
Print office stationery professionally from experts and always keep them in ready stock for operating your business efficiently.