It’s Not Just Going Out And Running

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It’s Not Just Going Out And Running

Running is in fashion, but “running is much more than simple strides”, an expert in physiology, who teaches how to reach the finish line without injuries, warns

If you feel well or if you don’t have any chronic illness, the argument that you’re only going to put on your sneakers and run after going to the doctor is no argument!

What Errors Do You Detect Among Experienced Runners?

Lack of rest. It is essential to recover well, otherwise, it is not possible to train again in good conditions. It is necessary to listen to the body and stop, if necessary. One of the main risks of increasing training intensity is the appearance of injuries that result, in most cases, from incomplete recoveries. Another mistake is improper feeding.

Many runners, because they have a work schedule to meet, train in the morning. Afterward, they have a hurried breakfast, then have a bad lunch and do a new workout at the end of the day. The result could be an energy deficit. They must follow an impeccable diet, the fuel of performance.

It is important to avoid glycemic peaks and, in terms of hydration, if training is prolonged, I suggest taking sports to drink diluted to 50 percent. At the end of your workout, it’s good to increase your protein intake. Chocolate milk or a banana are great choices.

How Long Should We Run?

For pleasure and health, the ideal will be three times a week, 15 to 20 km per week, which corresponds to between 5 to 6.5 km per workout. To be in shape, it doesn’t differ much. There is also 15 to 20 km per week, but increasing and changing the intensity, through greater speed, incline, or type of surface, for example on the beach.

To lose weight, the ideal is about four times a week. 45 minutes each workout without intensity changes, with 10 minutes of warm-up and 5 minutes of slow running, with the remaining time alternating, two minutes at a slower pace and one minute fast (when you can’t speak).

To participate in a 10 km race, you can consider four sessions a week doing between 45 to 50 km in total. One of the training sessions must reach 15 km. For the half-marathon, the value rises to 50 to 60 km per week, with one of the training sessions having 90 minutes. For the marathon, divided into four to five workouts, you must do between 60 and 70 km per week.

Anita Begay

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