Easy Ways to Have a Well-Done Body with Steroids
For palliative treatment of selected cases of mammary carcinoma disseminated to women. As an adjunct to specific therapies and diet measures in pathological conditions characterized by a negative nitrogen balance.
Posology and administration
Deca-Durabolin is injected intramuscularly deeply. As an adjunct to specific therapies and measures dediated in pathological conditions characterized by a nitrogen-negative balance of 25-50 mg once every 3 weeks. Careful! For an optimal therapeutic effect, it is necessary to administer adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals and proteins in a diet high in calories.
Therapeutic action
Deca-Durabolin is an injectable antibiotic preparation. The active substance from a pharmacological point of view is nandrolone. Decanoate ester gives the preparation duration of action of about 3 weeks after injection. Nandrolone is chemically similar to male hormone. Compared to testosterone, it has a stronger anabolic and an androgenic anabolic action. These have been demonstrated by animal biological testing and explained by receptor binding studies. The low androgenicity of nandrolone is confirmed by clinical experience. In humans, it has been shown that Deca-Durabolin positively influences calcium metabolism and increases bone mass in osteoporosis.
In women with disseminated breast carcinoma, it has been reported that Deca-Durabolin produces objective regressions for several months. In addition, Deca-Durabolin has a nitrogen-saving effect. This effect on protein metabolism has been established by sessile metabolic studies used therapeutically in protein-deficient states, such as in chronic debilitating diseases after major surgery or severe trauma. Under such conditions, Deca-Durabolin serves as an adjunct to specific therapy and diet, as well as to parenteral nutrition. And now you can get results like Duca-Durablion users.
Androgenic effects (for example, virilization) are relatively rare in the recommended doses. Nandrolone is devoid of the C17 alpha-alkyl group, associated with the induction of liver dysfunction and cholestasis.
Pharmacokinetics: Nandrolone decanoate is dispersed at the low injection site in the blood, with a half-life of 6 days. In the blood, the ester is rapidly hydrolyzed to nandrolone, with a half hour or less. The half-life of the combined hydrolysis, distribution and elimination of nandrolone decanoate is 4.3 hours. Nandrolone is metabolized in the liver. 19-Norandrosterone, 19-Norethiocholanolone and 19-Norepiandrosterone have been identified in the urine as metabolites. It is not known whether these metabolites have pharmacological action.