The Benefits of a Self-Paced Bachelors Degree
There are some people who thrive on the traditional model of education. They’re able to work their class schedule and develop relationships with their professors to get the best possible education under the sun. These people tend to have a lot of free time and money on their hands, which is increasingly uncommon among students today. While there are exceptions to every rule, there’s a growing need for more flexible education that can handle the ups and downs of real life. If you’ve been considering a self-paced bachelors degree, see why it may be for you.
Plenty of Choices
A typical bachelors degree won’t stop just because you have to work a double at work or your child has come down with the flu. Not only can these events set you back in terms of schoolwork, it can make you resentful of the very degree that’s supposed to help you get ahead. A self-paced bachelors degree gives you the freedom to choose when you want to work, which can help you feel better about what you’re doing and why. Ultimately, these feelings can help you catapult ahead when it comes to your goals because you have genuinely good associations with your quest for self-improvement.
A Forgiving Model
Additional education is rarely ever the wrong decision, but there is such a thing as misusing your time when it comes to finishing up a program. Those who take on too many classes will find themselves under a mountain of work that is more likely to crush them than to motivate them. This scenario in a traditional setting will teach a person about time-management skills, but it will come at a heavy price. A student may perform poorly in their classes first or even have to drop out of school altogether, which can lead to feelings of shame and failure. But a self-paced degree gives you an opportunity to see what works for you (through trial and error) without all those same consequences.
Better Outcomes
There is a fear for many people that too much responsibility will lead to a lack of discipline. As mentioned, some people do need that structure to be able to get all of their work done. But there is plenty of evidence to suggest that a self-paced bachelors degree will lead to better outcomes than if the student had chosen a traditional method. The student who learns how to work within their parameters is the same one that can handle themselves at work without being told what to do. They’re the same person who can think outside the box when it comes to solving problems both in and out of the workplace.