Backup: The Importance of Backup Copies
In the world of information security, one of the best practices to avoid a possible emergency includes the implementation of a backup and data recovery plan. It is critical to make backups as a pre-action to deal with incidents, given that the loss of information can be caused by the failure of a physical device or system, by human error, malicious code or cyber attack.
According to a recent survey, 87% of users back up their information, especially in external hard drives and then in the cloud, choosing primarily work or study documents, photos, and passwords. Among the main reasons, 32% say it is for fear of defect or hardware error, 21% for information theft and 20% for corrupted information. On the other hand, among non-backup users, 72% mentioned that this is due to oblivion and, for the reason that they did not know how to do it, 78% lost information and 31% lost money. In case of any data failure, it is worth hiring data recovery professionals at salvagedata.
As threats evolve, response and incident recovery increasingly catch the attention of cyber advocates of organizations and teams. In fact, the landscape threat seems to be constantly growing, and given our dependence on technologies, creating a plan for responding when faced with risky situations has never been as important as it is now.
In relation to organizations, information security incidents present a significant number of specific challenges both for detection and data recovery. It may be that the failure and extent of the damage caused are not immediately identified or the moment the intrusion occurred is not apparent at first.
On the other hand, the risk of spreading to different systems is one of the specific challenges perceived in cyber security incidents. Whatever the cause, they need to restore natural dynamics of its operations, and rebuilding corrupted or lost data, especially critical business data collected in a backup, can represent the survival of the business.
There are several storage media that allow you to back up your data. At this point, the physical space where the backup is stored must also be secure. Home users can choose from a variety of options.
It is advisable, finally, to make continuous backup of the files so that all users have their information safe. It is an important practice to keep in touch with a data recovery service at salvagedata to customize data security.